Sedona, Arizona

Forever a nature lover, photography has begun to change my way of interacting with the outdoors. Instead of pushing forward to reach a goal like I used to when I hiked or walked outside, I now slow down and look around so much more than ever before. I notice flowers, and the details of a grasshopper. I notice patterns of tree roots and the rounded stones in the water. Trees and leaves and caterpillars.

I spent a weekend in Sedona trying to find Fall color, but I ended up seeing the details of nature like never before.

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k.h. 2012

6 Responses to “Arizona: Bees, Trees, and Grasshoppers…Oh My!”

  1. Patti

    Wonderful. Makes me want to have lunch at LaAuberge and sit by the river and watch the ducks!

  2. Dina

    Love all these EXCEPT the Bees…You know those guys scare me to death! I’m reminded of a road trip with you that involved a Bee getting into the car and my sweater ending up on the floor boards and the rest of the drive being sweater less due to said bee haha!


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