New York City, New York

On a last minute trip to New York City last February, I knew that out of all the places to see there I wanted to see the 9/11 Memorial the most. I was 21 years old when those planes flew into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and that field in Pennsylvania, but it changed me. It changed everything. As it is written in the pamphlet for the memorial:

“The National September 11 Memorial honors the 2, 983 men, women and children who perished in the terrorist attacks

of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. It commemorates the lives lost, recognizes the thousands who survived, and allows visitors to come together again in the spirit of unity that emerged in the wake of 9/11.”

The memorial is beautiful and solemn, consisting of two large pools located at the foundation of each tower. The names of the victims of the attack that day are written on marble slabs surrounding each pool. And, as a testament to our survival as a nation, a single tree left standing in the rubble of the towers after the attack is located next to the South Pool. This Survivor Tree represents more than just our survival as a nation, but also our determination to remain free from tyranny of any kind.

God Bless the United States of America.

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The new Freedom Tower

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The “Survivor Tree”, the only tree left standing in the rubble of the Twin Towers.

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